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Ja gribi iestaties tev jaiet uz foruma sadalu PIETEIKUMI KLANA ,un jaizpilda anketa! Ja gribi aiziet no klana,tev jaiet uz foruma sadalu GRIBU AIZIET NO KLANA ,un jaizpilda anketa! Ja gribi iestaties klana,BET ESI JAUNAKS PAR 16.GADIEM,tev ir iespeja pieteikties musu SUB klana *sBs* kas atrodas sadala SUB *sBs* Klana forums,un jaizpilda anketa!
Installation 1. Download Battlefield 2 game installation image -> here 2. Download Deamon Tools virtual CD emulation software 3. Run downloaded CD software installation file daemon4301-lite.exe and install all by default (click next next next). 4. After reboot run Daemon Tools, in lower right corner should appear an icon with red flash. Rightclick on this icon and choose "Virtual CD/DVD-ROM" then "Set number of devices" then "1 drive". Next step is to leftclick on the same icon and locate downloaded file "rld-baf2.iso" 5. Download CD-key gen 6. Open downloaded CD-keygen achieve with WinZip, drag'n'drop file vtl-bf2k.exe to desktop or whenever you want. 7. Run BF2 installation 8. When window appears, where You need to enter CD-Key, run keygen fff-ea103.exe and generate key. 9. Download and install full patch v1.41. You can download here (about ~500 Mbytes) 10. Making quick launch for our server: a) Make a shortcut anywhere on your desktop or any place for the BF2.exe file. b) Rigth click on it and select properties. c) Enter connect parameters in the "Target" field like in example:D:\Games\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +playerName yournick +playerPassword yourpass +joinServer +port 16567
Installation 1. Download Battlefield 2 game installation image -> here 2. Download Deamon Tools virtual CD emulation software 3. Run downloaded CD software installation file daemon4301-lite.exe and install all by default (click next next next). 4. After reboot run Daemon Tools, in lower right corner should appear an icon with red flash. Rightclick on this icon and choose "Virtual CD/DVD-ROM" then "Set number of devices" then "1 drive". Next step is to leftclick on the same icon and locate downloaded file "rld-baf2.iso" 5. Download CD-key gen 6. Open downloaded CD-keygen achieve with WinZip, drag'n'drop file vtl-bf2k.exe to desktop or whenever you want. 7. Run BF2 installation 8. When window appears, where You need to enter CD-Key, run keygen fff-ea103.exe and generate key. 9. Download and install full patch v1.41. You can download here (about ~500 Mbytes) 10. Making quick launch for our server: a) Make a shortcut anywhere on your desktop or any place for the BF2.exe file. b) Rigth click on it and select properties. c) Enter connect parameters in the "Target" field like in example:D:\Games\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +playerName yournick +playerPassword yourpass +joinServer +port 16567
1. Armored Fury - Download 2. Euro Forces - Download 3. Highway Tampa - Download 4. Patch 1.41 - Download (если вы стерли скачанный торрент с File.Lv) 5. Battlefield 2 Launcher - Download (НЕОБХОДИМ ДЛЯ ЗАПУСКА ИГРЫ)
--------------------------------------------- LAT ---------------------------------------------
1. Aizliegts jebkādā apzinātā veidā ievainot un nogalināt savus komandas biedrus un bojāt un iznicināt komandas transporta līdzekļus. Šeit ietilpst teamkilling (TK), transporta sašaušana un spridzināšana, kā arī jebkurš citādāks tīšām nodarīts kaitējums komandai.
1a. Aizliegts bloķēt komandas biedru tehniku (lidmašīnas, helikopterus u.c.) sēžot zem tās riteņiem vai uz jumta, tas tiek uzskatīts par TK uzspiesšanu un ir sodāms.
2. Aizliegts uzbrukt fiksētām bāzēm (kartē uzradīti kā karogi ar sarkanu pārsvītrotu apli), izņemot nākamajā punktā norādītos gadījumos. Par uzbrukumu tiks uzskatīts jebkurš bojājuma nodarījums ar jebkādu tehniku (ieskaitot TV-raķetes, artilēriju vai sabraukšanu) mērķim, kurš atrodas pretinieka fiksētās bāzes robežās. Fiksēto bāzu robežas tiek noteiktas vai nu ar apžogojumu, vai ar kādām citām mākslīgām vai dabiskām robežām (ūdeni, iekšējo kalnu nogāzi, apkārtējo māju ārējām sienām un tml.)
3. Uzbrukums fiksētai bāzei tiek atļauts sekojošos gadījumos: izmantojot parastos kājnieku ieročus: šautene, karabīne, pistole utt. Tas nozīmē, ka kājnieki var darboties fiksētās bāzes robežās bez jebkāda veida transporta izmantošanas (ieskaitot vieglo džipu, TOW, Stingeru utml.).
4. Aizliegts izmantot necenzētus izteicienus balss un teksta čatā.
5. Spēlētajs var ziņot par noteikumu pārkāpumiem mājas lapas forumā atbilstošajā sadaļā ar situācijas aprakstu, vaininieka niku un situācijas ekrānšāviņu, no kura varētu izdarīt secinājumus par notikušo situāciju.
6. Gadījumā, ja serverī ir vairāk par 25 spēlētājiem, tad Komandieriem ir aizliegts lidot ar jebkādu gaisa tehniku (kaujas helikopteriem, lidmašīnām un transporta helikopteriem), lai varētu pilnvērtīgi izpildīt Komandiera pienākumus.
7.Aizliegts TC (Turbo Car/apc)
Daži skaidrojumi un ieteikumi (par šo neievērošanu neviens netiks sodīts)
a) nevajadzētu zagt komandas biedra tehniku no kuras izlīdis, lai to saremontētu, vadītājs.
b) Pilots (helikopteru) pats izvēlas ar ko lidot (var izvēlēties pat viens lidot) un ja pēc lūguma izkāpt šāvējs (gunners) nelien ārā tad pilotam ir tiesības izsēdināt šāvēju "sarkanajā zonā".
--------------------------------------------- RUS ---------------------------------------------
1. Запрещено в той или иной форме наносить ущерб игрокам и технике своей команды. Сюда входит teamkilling, стрельба или подрыв техники, а также любые другие формы преднамеренного вредительства.
1a. Запрещено блокировать технику товарища по команде (самолеты, вертолеты и т.д.) сидя под их колесами, либо на крыше. Это считается принуждением к TK и наказуемо.
2. Запрещена атака фиксированных баз (отмеченных на карте перечеркнутым кружком), за исключением случая, перечисленного ниже. Под атакой понимается атака цели (включая артиллерию, TV-ракеты и наезды), при том что мишень находится на запрещенной территории. Границы вышеуказанных баз определяются либо их заграждением, либо другими естественными или искусственными преградами (водой, внутренними по отношению к базе склонами гор, внешней стороной окружающих зданий и т.д.).
3. Ведение огня на вражеской фиксированной базе допускается исключительно в следующей ситуации: При использовании обычного вооружения, доступного пехотинцу: винтовки, карабины, автоматы, пулеметы, пистолеты и т.д. Это значит, что пехотинец может вести боевые действия на фиксированной базе, при условии, что он не использует никакую дополнительную технику (включая легкие джипы, стингеры, TOW).
4. Запрещено использование нецензурной лексики в голосовом или текстовом чате.
5. При нарушениях этих правил солдат может оставить заявку о наказании на форуме, с четким описанием ситуации, ником виновного игрока и (желательно) скриншотом, из которого ясно происшедшее.
6. Когда на сервере больше 25 человек, коммандир не имеет права участвовать в боевых действиях на воздушной технике, т.к. в таком случае он не способен выполнять свои прямые коммандирские обязанности в полном объёме.
7.НО ТЦ (Турбо Цар/Апц)
--------------------------------------------- ENG ---------------------------------------------
1. It is forbidden to damage players of vehicles that belong to your own team. This includes team killing (tk), shooting at or destroying empty or manned vehicles, as well as all other forms of intended harm.
1a. It is forbidden to block team mate vehicles (planes, choppers included) by sitting under them or on them when they are trying to take off, it is considered forced TK and is punishable.
2. It is strictly forbidden to attack fixed bases (which are marked by a red circle with a stripe across it), except for case mentioned below. "Attack" in this case means doing damage (including artillery, TV-missiles and running over), while the target remains within the boundaries of the fixed base. These boundaries are defined either by fencing or by any other natural or artificial borders (water, internal in respect to the base hillsides, external side of the surrounding buildings, etc).
3. Firing at hostile targets on enemy's fixed base is by exception allowed in the following case: a. While using normal infantry weapons: rifles, carbines, sub-machine guns, machine guns, pistols, etc. That implies that infantry can operate within the boundaries of enemy's fixed base, as long as these operations do not involve using additional vehicles (including light jeeps, inbase TOW, inbase Stingers and etc).
4. It is forbidden to use foul language either in voice or text chat.
5. If a player wants to report a violation of these rules, he/she must leave a note on this forum with a full and clear description of the violation, nick of the player in fault and a screenshot, which serves as proof.
6. If there are more than 25 players on the server, Commanders are not allowed to fly (neither in attack helicopters nor jets), since in this case he/she will not be able to perform his/her commanding duties in a full extent.
7. NO TC (Turbo Car/apc)
Few explanations and recommendations (you will not be punished if you do not follow these)
a) vehicle whoring is not approved. You should not steal vehicles that your team mate is repairing.
b) pilots (chopper) can choose who is their gunner, if gunner does not bail out after pilots request, then pilot is allowed to put gunner in the red zone (redline).
Поле битвы 2 участка 1.5 прибытия вторник 1-ого сентября! Наконец ... после почти года развития и трех общественных Полей битвы эксплуатационных испытаний 2 v1.50 готов к выпуску! Обновление будет выпущено во вторник 1-ого сентября в 5pm Великобритания, 6pm Европа.
Как часть Обновления 1.50 мы рады объявить, что не только - Шоссе Тампа теперь, необходимое устанавливает включенный в обновление, но Европейские Силы (Великая стена, Карьер Taraba и Дымовая завеса Операции), и Бронированная Ярость (Полуночное Солнце, Урожай Операции и Гнев Дороги Операции) теперь СВОБОДНА для всего Поля битвы 2 игрока. Включая совершенно новую карту, Операция Синий Жемчуг, который это приносит ВОСЬМИ новым картам, что каждый может играть и будет добавлен к оцениваемому Полю битвы 2 сервера по всему миру. Содержание Пакета Ракеты - носителя включено в обновление и сделало файл только по 2Gb в размере.
Поставщики сервера во всем мире будут иметь доступ к файлу клиента, так найдите вашего самого близкого хозяина к лучшим скоростям загрузки. Чтобы устанавливать Поле битвы, 2 Обновления v1.50 Вы должны иметь Поле битвы 2 обновленный к версии 1.41 или Полю битвы 2 Полных Собрания от установленного Склада архитектуры системы управления предприятием. Благодарите Вас всем Форумам EAUK (http: // forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-2/) члены, которые дали обратную связь и запросы в течение развития этого обновления.
Полная регистрация изменения для Обновления 1.50 следующие:
Особенности: Дополнительная поддержка Перспективе Windows Добавленное Шоссе Тампа как необходимая карта Добавленный новая карта по имени Операция Синий Жемчуг Добавленная Европейская Сила и Бронированная Ярость как свободный играть содержание для всего Поля битвы 2 игрока Добавленная Широкоэкранная поддержка Позволенный BF2.exe, чтобы использовать больше чем 2Gb RAM Добавленная поддержка диспетчеру Сокола Novint (http: // www.novint.com)
Gameplay Щипает: Изменения, сделанные и к J10 и к F35B, чтобы сделать их более уравновешенный AA планирование щипавшего сделать это более эффективный Добавленные чеки, чтобы предотвратить "огорчение взлетно-посадочной полосы" Различные изменения, сделанные предотвращать обман Щипавший обнаружение хита, хиты будут более точными к модели Неподвижные Случайные снижения связи будучи на сервере несколько минут Предотвращенное использование колеса мыши, чтобы обеспечить скорость повышает на транспортные средства Предотвращенное использование колеса мыши, чтобы эксплуатировать парашюты Игроки могут теперь передать старинные палаши, идя склонный Обновите министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития на телевизионных Управляемых ракетах, чтобы увеличить видимость на картах как Долина Дракона Добавленное Поле битвы 2142 разрабатывает склонное отклонение (идущий склонный, теперь вызовет уменьшенную точность в течение краткого периода),
Ошибка Устанавливает: Установленный проблема, где собирание комплекта игроков вызвало бы CTD Обновленный BF2OpenAL.dll от версии до версии Обновленный ch_gas_station петля столкновения на Долине Дракона, чтобы быть совместимым с другими зданиями бензоколонки Установленный проблема, где часть артиллерии MEC на Полной победе Операции изменяется на контроль МОРСКОЙ ПЕХОТЫ США, когда они захватывают флаг Летного поля Обновленный министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития Challenger2, чтобы показать правильное изображение вместо изображения министерства жилищного строительства и городского развития M1A2 Измененный НАРОДНО-ОСВОБОДИТЕЛЬНАЯ АРМИЯ FAV на MEC FAV на Дороге к Джелалабаду Щипавший время переикры артиллерии на Долине Дракона для к 360 секундам как другие использования артиллерии Включенный задержка после оружия переключают для Bizon (СТР 19) к 0.666 Обновленный F35B's захватывают задержку к 1 секунде вместо 1.5 секунд, чтобы соответствовать другому самолету Измененный Humvee camo на Карьере Taraba, чтобы быть правильным проектом Увеличенный повреждение всплеска ММ 60 (Черный Ястреб) оружие от 0.25 до 1.5 Обновленный министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития G36E, чтобы реагировать то же самое как другое оружие в течение спринта
Сотрите вашим дискам BF2 и пребыванию, настроенному для выпуска участка во вторник!
Так, что Вы думаете об этих новостях? Действительно ли это было стоящим это ожидание?
Battlefield 2 patch 1.5 coming Tuesday September 1st! Finally ... after nearly a year of development and three public beta tests Battlefield 2 v1.50 is ready for release! The update will be released on Tuesday 1st September at 5pm UK, 6pm Europe.
As part of Update 1.50 we are glad to announce that not only is Highway Tampa now a required install included in the update but Euro Forces (Great Wall, Taraba Quarry and Operation Smoke Screen) and Armored Fury (Midnight Sun, Operation Harvest and Operation Road Rage) is now FREE for all Battlefield 2 players. Including the brand new map, Operation Blue Pearl this brings EIGHT new maps that everyone can play and will be added to ranked Battlefield 2 servers world wide. The Booster Pack content is included in the update and has made the file just over 2Gb in size.
Server providers around the world will have access to the client file so find your closest host for best download speeds. To install Battlefield 2 Update v1.50 you must have Battlefield 2 updated to version 1.41 or Battlefield 2 Complete Collection from EA Store installed. Thank you to all of the EAUK Forums (http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-2/) members who have given feedback and requests during the development of this update.
The full change log for Update 1.50 is as follows:
Features: Additional support for Windows Vista Added Highway Tampa as a required map Added a new map called Operation Blue Pearl Added Euro Force and Armored Fury as free to play content for all Battlefield 2 players Added Widescreen support Allowed BF2.exe to use more than 2Gb RAM Added support for the Novint Falcon controller (http://www.novint.com)
Gameplay Tweaks: Changes made to both the J10 and F35B to make them more balanced AA targeting tweaked to make it more effective Added checks to prevent "runway grieving" Various changes made to prevent cheating Tweaked the hit detection, hits will be more accurate to the model Fixed Occasional connection drops after being on a server a couple of minutes Prevented use of mouse wheel to provide speed boost to vehicles Prevented use of mouse wheel to exploit parachutes Players can now pass claymores by going prone Update the HUD on TV Guided missiles to increase visibility on maps like Dragon Valley Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period)
Bug Fixes: Fixed the issue where picking up a players kit would cause CTD Updated BF2OpenAL.dll from version to version Updated ch_gas_station collision mesh on Dragon Valley to be consistent with other gas station buildings Fixed the issue where MEC artillery piece on Operation Clean Sweep changes to the USMC's control when they capture the Airfield flag Updated the Challenger2 HUD to show the correct icon instead of the M1A2 HUD icon Changed a PLA FAV to MEC FAV on Road to Jalalabad Tweaked the artillery respawn time on Dragon Valley for to 360 seconds as other artillery uses Included a delay after weapon switch for the Bizon (PP-19) to 0.666 Updated the F35B's lock delay to 1 second instead of 1.5 seconds to match other aircraft Changed the Humvee camo on Taraba Quarry to be the correct design Increased the splash damage of the UH-60 (Black Hawk) guns from 0.25 to 1.5 Updated the G36E HUD to react the same as other weapons during sprint
Dust off your BF2 discs and stay tuned for the patch release on Tuesday!
So what do you think about this news? Was it worth it waiting?
The Dalian Plant is a strategically critical nuclear power plant. In addition to the plant itself, this map features a construction site and a shoreline, complete with docks and beaches.
Daqing Oilfields
Northeast (Manchuria)
China vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The Daqing Oil Fields are a strategically vital resource asset. In addition to the fields themselves, there are industrial areas, farms, and a built-up village that offers urban combat.
Dragon Valley
Northeast (Manchuria)
China vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The Dragon Valley contains a refinery that must be secured. Other terrain features include industrial areas, several temples, and a harbor. The US team will lose tickets until it captures at least one control point.
FuShe Pass
Northeast (Manchuria)
China vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The FuShe Pass is home to uranium mines. The terrain is dominated by the mining area and surrounding canyons.
Gulf of Oman
Middle East
Persian Gulf Shoreline
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
This is a beach-assault level. The US forces must advance from the beach toward the city, while the MEC must stop them. Tanks will have limited ability to maneuver inside the city.
Kubra Dam
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
Middle Eastern Riverbed
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
In addition to the dam, this level features industrial areas and fishing huts.
Mashtuur City
Middle East
Near the Persian Gulf
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
Get ready for a tough urban battle. This large city and its surroundings must be secured by US forces. The MEC forces must stop them.
Operation Clean Sweep
Middle East
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
This map features numerous small islands, military bases, and villages. Air power is essential.
Sharqi Peninsula
Middle East
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
US forces have seized a television station and now must defend it against incoming MEC forces. This map features urban fighting in and around the city, including a hotel, a golf course, and the surrounding peninsula.
Songhua Stalemate
Northeast (Manchuria)
China vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The Chinese and US forces have fought to a stalemate at Songhua. Now both sides seek to break the deadlock. The map is dominated by the river, with surrounding farms and villages. There is also a fish factory on the US side.
Strike at Karkand
Middle East
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The US must attack and seize the city of Karkand, including the surrounding industrial area and harbor.
Zatar Wetlands
Middle East
The Red Sea Coast
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The Zatar Wetlands contains vital natural gas deposits. The wetlands can be very marshy, and are dotted with farms, villages, and military bases. Key to the map is control of the central island.
Road to Jalalabad
Middle East
MEC vs. US
Conquest (16-, 32-, or 64-player)
The Dalian Plant is a strategically critical nuclear power plant. In addition to the plant itself, this map features a construction site and a shoreline, complete with docks and beaches.
The award-winning Battlefield franchise invades the high tech frontlines of modern warfare in the new sequel, Battlefield 2™. The game brings the intensity and excitement of Battlefield 1942™ into the modern era with enhanced team play and the latest, most technologically advanced vehicles and weapons systems available to man.
In Battlefield 2, players will choose to fight for one of three military superpowers: the United States, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition. Armed with the latest modern weaponry, players can take control of any of the game’s 30+ vehicles to engage in major conflicts with over 64 players in some of the largest online battles on the PC. Additionally, persistent character growth allows players to rise through the ranks and attain the ultimate rank of 2nd Lieutenant.
An all-new game engine and physics system brings the modern battlefield to life like never before. The new material penetration feature measures weapons’ ability to fire through barriers based on their composition and players will need to know the difference between concealment and cover in order to survive.
Battlefield 2 features immense, richly detailed, destructible environments, from city streets to remote forests, in some of the most notorious hot spots around the world. Enhanced team play features allow players to enter the action on the front lines as part of a formal squad, or work behind the scenes in Commander Mode to direct the strategic assaults of their teammates.
Soldier kits now affect vehicles that players utilize on the battlefield. For instance, the medic kit can transform a vehicle into a mobile aid station and the support kit can make helicopters into flying ammo dumps.
Key Features
• Online multiplayer action with up to 64 players on the PC.
• All-new gameplay engine brings the immense locations to life complete with realistic physics and dynamic lighting.
• Take control of over 30 land, sea, and air vehicles, including tanks, helicopters, fast attack vehicles, and fighter jets.
• Choose to battle as U.S., Chinese, or Middle East Coalition troops, each with their own unique arsenals.
• A variety of solider classes including Assault, Sniper, Special Ops, Combat Engineer, Medic, Support, and Anti-Tank units.
• New state-of-the-art weapon systems, including tv-guided missiles and laser designated bombs.
• Material penetration feature makes sure players know the difference between cover and concealment.
• Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players increase their rank from Private all the way to 2nd Lieutenant and unlock new weapons, medals, and more.
• Join a squad or select the new Commander Mode to assume the strategic role of a battlefield commander directing his forces.
• Full in-game community support including buddy lists and stat tracking.
Since the introduction of persistent upgrades in computer games, hacks have become a very real problem in computer games. 15 years ago the 'hacks' that were seen in computer games were just cheat codes put there by the game developers. Cheat codes were actually designed to help the developers test the games by bypassing some of the limitations - often providing infinite health, money and giving the player the ability to fly. The only thing that made them 'hacks' was that they were never intended for public release. Of course, games of that era were not multiplayer online games. The cheating never really did anything malicious to the game itself, it merely helped you pass the level you were stuck on.
Nowadays hacks are much more invasive. The 'passive' hacks for first person shooter (FPS) games simply put a dot in the center of the screen (see Figure 1). This doesn't seem like much of a hack, but most FPS games have the center of the crosshair missing in unscoped mode. These hacks are usually picked up by manual inspection of anticheat screenshots - like those produced by PunkBuster Screenshot (PBSS). The dot is known as an 'aim assist' hack. Another passive hack is the replacement of game material, sound and texture files with cheating equivalents.
Figure 1: An aim assist hack in Battlefield 2
Active hacks are hacks that inspect the game process in memory and then use this to the cheater's advantage. The simplest modify static variables in memory to switch features on or off. For example, in Figure 2 the variables for displaying name tags have been modified so that all enemy name tags are displayed on the screen at all times. Common modifications turn off fog or sky, turn on name tags and alter how textures are drawn. To combat this, anticheat clients such as PunkBuster and Valve Anticheat (VAC) regularly scan the game as it sits in memory, looking for 'hacking' values being set on the static variables.
Figure 2: A name tag hack in Battlefield 2
The hackers often resort to placing their code in 'caves', with the caves being located wherever PB or VAC isn't looking. In a code cave, the hacker jumps to another part of memory which has some instructions they want to run, then jump back to the original code. Code caves are used for hacks that can't simply turn off a value, including wall hacks, chameleon (cham) hacks and aimbots. These sort of hacks require extra work to be done - like colouring the entire textures of all other players to a fluorescent pink.
Figure 3: How a code cave works. Note the original code is repeated after the jump, then the hack code begins.
Some hacks are called 'hooks' because of the way they grab the game process in memory. Hooks are actually just the first part of the hack. In order to do things such as making walls transparent the hack must first grab the chunk of game code. Once the hack has the chunk of information it needs, it is then modified - either directly as in the name tag hack, or indirectly via a code cave. Hence the hack is 'hooked into' the game process just like Neo was hooked into the Matrix.
Aimbots are the most malicious form of hacks in FPS games. Not only do they not require any visual aids (making them immune to PBSS) but they take all the hard work out of gaming. They work by identifying the position of the enemy player and then snapping the hacking player's crosshairs directly to the head of the enemy. Some even do the shooting for you. Because they are the most difficult hacks to code they are usually reserved for private hacks. Fortunately for the people trying to catch the hackers, many who are using aimbots are using 'multihacks' (hacks with lots of features) and they turn on the graphical markers instead of using the aimbot alone. Figure 4 shows a hitbox - a commonly used marker to show where to hit the enemy in order to register a hit.
Figure 4: Hitboxes in Counter Strike: Source
It is possible to detect some hacks without the use of external programs. Wall hacks are fairly easy to detect when a game has a first person spectator mode. When you spectate a wall hacker they will watch enemy players through what you see as solid walls or floors. Cham hacks are very similar. Many players will turn off and on the hacks in order to appear more human, but most will continue to use their hacks even in the face of accusations over global chat or voip. Figure 5 shows a cham hack in action.
Figure 5: A Battlefield 2 Chameleon Hack.
The motivation of players who hack in online games is often not understood. Why pay upwards of $20US per month to take all the challenge away from the game? The reality is that some people are just so bad without the hacks, they need them to be able to play at the level online games require. Some people do it for a laugh, some people do it because they can. But as long as there are hackers writing hacks, you can be assured there are just as many people out writing software to stop them.
Disclaimer: All images are from PBSS shots of banned players on New Zealand Battlefield 2 servers, or hacks being run in single player mode. A few egos may have been harmed in the taking of these screenshots.
This guide is designed to get new commanders up to speed as soon as possible so that they enjoy their game and become an effective commander therefore reducing their chances of having a mutiny.
To Begin
Go Commander, Hide and Press Caps Lock
Look after your main base
Be an engineer so you can repair assets and drop AT Mines (FF off only) around the main base or
Be a Sniper/Spec ops and lay Clays(FF off only)/C4 around your main base flag or your assets.
Go and Hide
Don’t use vehicles unless the map and number of players is small (generally less than 8 a side) it pisses people off and you can’t do a good job while flying. Try to hide under something that is arty proof… (speaks for itself).
Do a team message to make and join squads.
Also get your Squad leaders to invite guys into squads as this can make your life easier if you have more squads to talk to.
Use a Microphone and talk to your team leaders.
Commanders who do nothing but UAV, Supplies and Vehicles are not as effective as commanders who concentrate on the entire
If you don’t have a mic – get one. It is a great asset and makes the Squad Leaders more comfortable with their commander.
Use the Radar Scanner as often as you can and pinpoint the enemy
This will help them see what is around them if they actively use their map. If someone is trying to take a flag and is not a team leader and you do not have UAV available for them (you might have a higher priority elsewhere) use the enemy spotted tool because if no one is there a question mark (???) appears which lets them know they are okay to take the flag.
Just try not to do too much spotting as this is annoying.
Zoom In
When the scan and UAV are unavailable…zoom in (n key) and spot enemies. Yes when you zoom in on the commanders screen you can see real time what is happening (can make for some interesting watching.
Talk to the squad leaders when zoomed in (they are the only ones who can hear you). If someone is sneaking up on them – let them know. Talk them through sneaking up on someone else so they can knife them (they love this).
Praise your team
Never critise using the commanders commands (you know – my grandmother can do better than that). Most players are interested in winning… only a few are in it for themselves (pilots usually have low team scores but have their role in keeping the enemy jets and choppers away). Praise does go down well as it shows that you are an active commander….
Your Score
Basically this is an average of the entire team (there is some arguments on this) but basically the more points your team gets the more you get and if you win your points are doubled.
This is one of your biggest assets. It helps your team the most. Use it wisely and ever chance you get. Visibility on the battlefield is everything and certainly will help your team win.
These can be used to repair your main assets (UAV / Scanner / Arty) zoom in and drop them near it.
Also if you see a tank going into battle, drop supplies near them. Crates can be the difference to the life of that tank. Do this without being asked to and you will make a good respected commander.
Just be ready to give these when asked. If you can’t give it because it’s not ready let them know. Don’t be silent.
If you see a lone ranger walking to a far away flag – drop it to him/her as they will appreciate it.
This is a tactical tool – you don’t have to use, just use it to help contain the enemy or keep their attack chopper and jets down.
Don’t arty the carrier (Wake, Dalian or Oman) – it’s pointless as you get no points for it and the best result is to let the enemy get one flag and contain them. It also is a tardish thing to do.
If your team is attacking the enemies main base (or you have just captured it) use your assets to support them. Denying the enemy the use of their own main base often can win the game, especially so when there are jets and choppers at their main base.
When you are fighting it is often best to pin the enemy down to one base; that way your team can own them as they keep spawning back at that flag. As a commander you can spot enemies that are attempting to take other flags and keep them pinned down.
Remember different maps require some different ideas, but generally these basics will get you going and often or not prevent a mutiny. Enjoy BF2 Commander; it adds another cool role to an awesome game.